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Rare Earth & High Field Strength Elements

The Tharsis Property

Carbonatite-Hosted Rare Earth Elements

The Allende Project

Rare Earth & High Field Strength Elements


The Allende project is a 615 hectare area in the Northwest Territories that was acquired by Voyageur Exploration in 2022. The site is located 95 kilometers north by east from the capital city of Yellowknife, and 100 kilometers south by east from Wekweètì. Our Tharsis project is found 80 kilometers to the northeast by east. Airborne access to the this project can be performed year-round by helicopter; in the summer by floatplane; or, in the winter by skiplane. There is potential ground access via the historical Discovery gold mine ice road which is located 12 kilometers to the south by east.

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The commodities on the project include rare earth elements (REEs) and high field strength elements (HFSEs). The project price basket is primarily composed of the light rare earth oxides (LREOs) neodymium, praseodymium; and scandium; the heavy rare earth oxide (HREOs) terbium; and the high field strength oxides (HFSOs) hafnium, thorium, and titanium.

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The main feature of the Allende property is the presence of an alkaline complex that contains carbonatite with rare earth element mineralization. The area was first detected by a public airborne magnetic survey in 1962. Carbonatite exposure has been observed at Allende by historical geologists in both outcrops and angular boulders near the shorelines of Leith Lake. These occurrences of carbonatite are believed to represent dykes that are radiating outwards from an alkaline magma body beneath the lake.

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The complex was officially named the Leith Lake Complex in 1996 after geologists identified this area to be of interest due to anomalously high regional magnetism. Voyageur Exploration is only the second owner to have rights to explore this complex since its discovery, presenting an opportunity to develop a highly prospective complex with critical element mineralization.


In 2022, Voyageur Exploration compiled historical data on the area, and performed a field exploration program in the summer. The program focused on locating the mineralized zones that were sampled by the previous owner, and confirming previous reported assay results. The next step in developing the Allende project is to improve understanding of the structures below the surface. This will be achieved by a detailed UAV-based geophysical survey to map magnetic anomalies.

We are seeking financial partners to advance the Allende project

This project is ready for a high-resolution magnetic survey this summer. Investors are invited to submit a request to access the Data Room, which contains all necessary information to perform due-diligence prior to participation.

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